What is the purpose of the Fund?

The purpose of the Ken LaChance Colleague Emergency Fund (KLCEF) is to provide limited financial assistance to eligible colleagues who are experiencing financial hardship due to certain emergency situations beyond their control.  Colleagues may be referred to an appropriate source (i.e., Convergint EAP, community agency, Consumer Credit Counseling Service, etc.) if their circumstances do not apply to this program.

What criteria must be met in order to qualify for assistance?

  • There must be an emergency situation that causes financial hardship. Qualified hardships may include but are certainly not limited to (non-routine) medical expenses not eligible for reimbursement by insurance, serious illness or injury, fire/flood/natural disaster, death in the family, domestic violence, military deployment, unemployment issues, housing, utilities, food, transportation, or other basic necessities.
  • The emergency situation must be temporary or short-term in nature, have occurred within the past 120 days, and the undue hardship is not caused by the colleague.
  • The situation should be considered unusual, not able to be foreseen or planned for, and not covered by insurance or other eligible assistance.
  • The colleague has no existing liquid assets that can meet the financial need without causing further hardship.
  • Proof of financial hardship should be provided. Wherever possible, documentation of the emergency situation should be provided; for example, an unpaid bill, written estimate for replacement or repair, eviction/foreclosure notice, etc.
  • Colleague must not have been the recipient of a KLCEF grant in the past 36 months.

Note:  Chronic financial duress (persisting for an extended period of time) alone does not meet the necessary financial criteria for grant consideration.

Who may contribute to the Ken LaChance Colleague Emergency Fund?

Convergint welcomes contributions from any Convergint colleague, family member, technology partner, customer or other lawful source.  Contributions may be made by cash, check or payroll deduction.  If a colleague elects automatic payroll deduction, the amount must be at least $1 per pay period.

May I deduct my contribution to the Fund on my income tax form?

It varies by country.  If you are a U.S. citizen, all donations to the fund may be treated as a charitable contribution and may be deductible for tax purposes.  Canadian citizens may not take a deduction unless the citizen has U.S. source income and then the exemption is limited to 75% of that amount.

What is the purpose of the Fund and what situations qualify for assistance?

The purpose of the Ken LaChance Colleague Emergency Fund is to provide limited financial assistance to eligible colleagues who are experiencing economic hardship due to certain emergency situations. Situations do not need to have occurred during business hours or have any relation to work.  Situations should be temporary or short-term in nature and not chronic.  Colleagues will be referred to an appropriate source (i.e., Convergint EAP, community agency, Consumer Credit Counseling Service, etc.) if their circumstances do not apply to this program.

How do I apply for assistance?

If you are a U.S. or Canadian colleague, please use our electronic application form powered by SmartSheet: https://app.smartsheet.com/b/form/740eeea5bb99402682b5ca7a18eb8558. A grant application must be completed in order to be considered for financial assistance.  Incomplete applications will be returned, which can cause delays.  Documentation which clearly identifies the expense associated with the request shall accompany the application.  Approval of an application can be either partially or fully funded depending on the situation.

May I reapply for assistance if my earlier application was turned down?

Yes.  If the application has not been approved, the colleague will have the option of appealing the decision, but must do so by contacting the Program Administrator within 5 working days upon notification of the decision.  If there is no response from the colleague, it will be considered closed.

Is there a limit to the grant amount that can be requested from the Fund?

Yes.  The maximum amount allowed may be up to $5,000.00.  Under no circumstance will the financial assistance exceed the cost of the expense being considered.

Am I required to contribute in order to be eligible to apply for assistance?

No.  As long as you meet the criteria stated on the application form, you are eligible to apply.

May contributions be earmarked for the benefit of a specific person?

No.  All contributions — regardless of their source — are used for one purpose which is to provide assistance to eligible colleagues or family members who meet grant criteria.  Funds are never earmarked for specific persons or groups.  Under no circumstances may monies be used for any purpose other than emergency assistance in accordance with the Fund guidelines.

Is the money I receive from the Fund taxable?  If so, who pays?

No, this is a tax exempt grant and is not considered taxable income subject to IRS or Revenue Canada taxation.

If I apply for Fund assistance, who will know?

Your identity will be known only to the Program Administrator, any Human Resources colleague(s) responsible for verifying employment status and financial information, or a business leader if you requested an application form from them.  Otherwise, your identity and the information contained in your application is kept strictly confidential.

Who serves on the Colleague Emergency Fund Committee (CEFC) which is responsible for application review?

The 5-member committee consists of colleagues serving in various CTC and/or CDC positions.  Their status as committee members is not made public.

Must recipients provide a written record of how they spend a grant from the Fund?

No.  However, documentation which clearly identifies the expense associated with the request shall accompany the application.  Please be aware that the CEFC may request additional information to verify financial need and access to other financial resources prior to grant approval.

Must recipients repay a Ken LaChance Colleague Emergency Fund grant?

No.  Colleagues are not required to pay back a grant as this is not a loan; however, they are encouraged to do so, since this will help replenish the fund for future requests.  Note that if the grant is paid back, it may be considered a charitable contribution and tax deductible (dependent on colleague citizenship).

May I apply for assistance on behalf of a fellow colleague?

The only scenario where it would be acceptable for an application to be submitted on someone else’s behalf is if that person is disabled in such a manner as to not be able to complete the application. If you believe that a fellow colleague might qualify for assistance, please direct him or her to contact the Program Administrator, business leader or go to the Convergint Business Directory.

May past recipients reapply?

Yes.  Eligible colleagues can apply once within a 36 month period.

Is any portion of the Fund used to pay for administrative costs?

No.  Any costs to administer the Fund are covered by Convergint Technologies LLC.